
  • Emas Marlina Bale Bandung University, Indonesia
  • Nenden Sri Rahayu Bale Bandung University, Indonesia
  • Diana Silaswati Bale Bandung University, Indonesia


The curriculum is planning in learning as a guideline that is applied and implemented within a certain period following government policies and the progress of the times, so it needs to be updated following developments in science, technology, and developments in society which are changing rapidly. Global learning is a critical response carried out by institutions in higher education towards advances in information and technology in the era of globalization, which requires students to develop their potential through knowledge, skills, and attitudes related to life in the local and global environment. This global curriculum model is global learning where students face various kinds of globalization in their daily lives in the campus environment or local community developed by students from across disciplines for the needs of a global society. This research aims to obtain further information regarding the life-based global curriculum model applied to learning in higher education through a systematic literature review by applying the PRISMA 2020 criteria with bibliometric analysis with the help of the VOS-viewer application. The results of the research show that it is possible to carry out further research related to innovation on related topics, considering that local and global needs are increasingly needed from time to time so an appropriate global curriculum model is needed as a guide for planning and learning carried out by lecturers for students with cross-disciplinary expertise at University.

Keywords; life-base global, curriculum model, learning, higher education


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How to Cite

Marlina, E., Rahayu, N. S., & Silaswati, D. (2024). LIFE-BASED GLOBAL CURRICULUM MODEL FOR LEARNING IN HIGHER EDUCATION. Prosiding Webinar Internasional, 1(1), 21–26. Retrieved from